The show is going to open its doors next week and I am not ready yet...though I often feel that the artist side of me is never ready for a show like this; I still have way too many ideas that I wish I could have more fully developed to show! The irony I find in presenting at a show like Surtex is how much of my time has to be diverted from creating art into the myriad other tasks necessary - from planning, designing, and preparing the booth to sending out ads and preparing marketing materials and setting up appointments and and and...
But since this is my second year exhibiting solo, I feel a bit less anxious as I know more than before and also know that regardless of how "underprepared" I might feel, that it'll still be great to be there and meet up with everyone!
studio•Alex will exhibit at Booth 337 this time around. It's my pleasure to introduce a new and very talented artist who will show with our studio, Ming Platt! We are both very excited to work together, it's going to be so fun and memorable!

This will be my last post until the show is over. I will publish as usual a post-Surtex article to summarize the experience and share as much as possible with all of you who have been following my chronicles from when I first started a few years ago.

I hope everyone who is exhibiting has a fantastic show. If you are a new artist come by our booth if you have a chance and make a doodle on our board. It will be permanently published here with your name and website, so be sure you sign in on our Guest Book and also sign your doodle! Please note that if we are with clients it's not a good time to chat, but you can come back later.
Surtex 2014 studio•Alex Postcard
My inspiration for this collection ~ Wild roses from my garden:
Photo courtesy of Paul Stout |
Photo courtesy of Paul Stout |
See you at the show!
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